
Structural improvement

Projects for the specialisation and integration of skills in research, innovation and enabling technologies, to respond to the country’s needs and excel on an international level.

With Directorial Decree No. 254/Ric. of 18 May, 2011, MIUR began the implementation of projects for the improvement of structure and infrastructure of universities and public research organisations in the Convergence regions (Puglia, Sicily, Calabria and Campania).

The aim is to encourage the growth of the public research system while enhancing the competitiveness of the organisations involved on a national and international level. For this reason the scheme is not to be viewed as a simple aid for public structures, but a measure of systemic improvement that works alongside existing measures and contributes towards an overall policy of enhancing the value of research and innovation. This is based on a synergic public-private collaboration aiming to promote the competitive development of the Convergence areas within the overall framework of the national economic system.

MIUR has invited universities, public research organisations and other research organisations to submit projects for structural improvement, such as those aimed towards the development of new laboratories, purchasing scientific and technological equipment, construction work and structural modernisation, as well as training courses.


Available funds

At the deadline 83 projects had been received for a total amount of €2,600 million.

Following the assessment stage 46 projects qualified for a total cost of   634,037,200.00 


Eligible expenditure

      € 634,037,200.09

Total expenditure             

      € 634,037,200.09


Parties involved *



Public Research Organisations             


Other Research Organisations


 *The data considers a party 'n' times should it participate in 'n' projects

Last Updated: : 31/12/2014
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