
Business creation

MiSE supports the creation and launch of small entrepreneurial activities by the unemployed or those seeking first employment and promotes the creation of new enterprises or the growth of existing enterprises.

By means of the subsidies provided for in Legislative Decree No. 185 of 21 April 2000, MiSE supports the creation and launch of small entrepreneurial activities by the unemployed or those seeking first employment and promotes the creation of new enterprises or the growth of existing enterprises.


Legislative Decree No. 185 of 21 April 2000 includes measures favouring young entrepreneurship in Italy's economically disadvantaged areas by means of two categories of incentives: entrepreneurship and self-employment.

The objective is to promote the establishment and growth of new businesses by supporting: measures for productivity and employment, the dissemination of entrepreneurial culture and the development of forms of self-employment through means of promoting autonomous work and entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurship Measures aim to increase the number of productive and employed individuals, to develop new entrepreneurship in Italy's disadvantaged areas by promoting, organising and developing entrepreneurial energies and to support the establishment and development of social and agricultural business.



Subjects who qualify for the incentives will benefit from:

  • Grants and subsidised loans, for investments, in accordance with the limits set by the European Union;
  • Grants in trading accounts, in accordance with the limits set by the European Union;
  • Technical support during the investment stage and the initial undertaking;
  • The provision of training and the qualification of entrepreneurial profiles relevant to the project's development.


Newly established cooperatives and enterprises exclusively consisting of individuals aged between 18-35, i.e. mainly consisting of individuals aged between 18-29; social cooperatives submitting projects for the creation of new initiatives and targeting the improvement and development of existing agricultural, craft and industrial activities, i.e. relating to the provision of services to business in general.

Projects eligible for financing

In accordance with the criteria and indications of the Inter-ministerial Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE) and within the limits set by the European Union, the following projects are eligible for financing:

  • Projects relating to the production of agricultural, crafts and industry goods, i.e. relating to the provision of services to business in general;
  • Projects relating to the provision of services to sectors dealing with artistic/cultural heritage, tourism, industrial and public work maintenance, technological innovation, environmental protection, agriculture and the manufacturing and trade of agro-industrial products;
  • Projects relating to the production, trading and manufacturing of agricultural products;
  • Projects relating to the production of agricultural, crafts and industry goods, i.e. relating to the provision of services to business in general.



Self-employment measures encourage self-employment by promoting autonomous work and entrepreneurship and in particular:

  • Encourage the placement of the unemployed on the job market;
  • Qualify the beneficiaries' professionalism and promote business culture.



Subjects who qualify for the incentives will benefit from:

  • Grants and subsidised loans, for investments, in accordance with the limits set by the European Union;
  • Grants in trading accounts, in accordance with the limits set by the European Union;
  • Technical support during the investment stage and the initial undertaking.


Measures in favour of autonomous work

People over the age of 18 may qualify for the incentives if they have been unemployed during the six-month period prior to the eligibility request date and they submit projects concerning the start-up of autonomous activities producing goods and/or providing services and trade in the form of an individual business.

Measures in favour of self-employment in the form of micro-business

Newly-created businesses, excluding those intending to become mutual institutions, may qualify for the incentives if at least half of their employees and shareholders are over the age of 18 and have been unemployed during the six-month period prior to the eligibility request date and they submit projects concerning the manufacturing of goods and the provision of services.


Measures in favour of self-employment in the form of franchising

Newly created individual businesses and companies, including those with a sole shareholder, may qualify for the incentives if they submit projects concerning the manufacturing and trading of goods and services by means of franchising, created in the capacity of franchisee.

Last Updated: : 14/05/2014
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