Certified expenditure status

This section, entirely dedicated to the financial status of Programme implementation through numerical tables, allows for the monitoring of the status of commitments and certified expenditure.

By publishing data on the progress of the Programme, we intend to offer full transparency to the public on the status of implementation and the use of Community funds.

The tables presented show the financial details associated with each of the 3 Axes composing the Programme. The tables show an overview of the Programme and relative Axes and the details, pertaining to MIUR and MiSE, of the financial quotas available, the commitments and the certified expenses. In this conclusive planning phase, taking into account the general economic crisis, it seems even more important to inform the public, highlighting the commitment to the use of the financial resources available to support research and innovation with consequent impact on local growth.



TAB.1: Financial status pertaining to MIUR (amounts in euro)


MIUR  Quota  Commitments  (*)

Certified expenditure (**)

2.365.696.821 2.539.702.611 1.000.300.784


Priority axis MIUR  Quota  Activation  procedure Commitments  Certified expenditure   
Axis 1 - Support to structural changes 2.043.696.821,00

Projects 1st phase/transition

288.754.974 53.263.614

Invitation to present industrial research projects
(Dir. Dec. 1/Ric of 18/01/10)

957.193.100 406.761.561

Notice 713/ric of 29/10/10 - DAT - TIT II

266.028.267 -

Notice 713/ric of 29/10/10 - LPP - TIT II

70.513.084 -

Notice Structural Enhancement
Dir. Dec. 254/Ric of 18/05/11

650.000.000 512.205.138
Axis 1 - Support to structural changes 2.232.489.425 972.230.313
Axis 2 - Support to innovation 240.000.000,00 Notice 84/ric of 2/03/12 - Smart Cities 196.612.079 -
Notice 84/ric of 2/03/12 - Social Innovation 39.617.128 -
Axis 2 - Support to innovation 236.229.207 -
Axis 3 - Technical Assistance and accompaniment activities 82.000.000,00 Technical Assistance 52.051.575 22.189.846
Announcement Communication 4.998.889  -
G&S goods and services 329.363 286.212
Checking (I and II level) 5.211.893 1.949.442
NOP R&C website 1.000.000 242.000
Assessment services 393.934 27.955
Computer services 5.292.825 2.292.825
IP services 1.705.489 1.082.191
Axis 3 - Technical Assistance and accompaniment activities 70.983.979 28.070.471

(*) The commited value corresponds to the monitoring figure updated to the 6th 2-month period 2012 validated by IGRUE (validation on 31 January 2013). This value is higher than the quota pertaining to the MIUR since it takes into account eventuali cuts that might be made to the projects following the auditing required by Community regulations.

(**) The certified value corresponds to the payment application sent on 19/12/2012 by the Certification Authority through the IGRUE financial system, to be forwarded subsequently to the European Commission.



TAB.2: Financial status pertaining to MISE  (amounts in euro)


MISE  Quota  Commitments  (*)

Certified expenditure (**)

2.058.696.821 1.368.625.665 852.836.905


Priority axis MISE Quota Activation procedure Commitments  Certified expenditure 
Axis 1 - Support tostructural changes 513.000.000 Industrial innovation projects
and related interventions
69.997.157 2.248.803
Innovation projects for highlighting the specific potentials of the Convergence areas 64.592.834 60.000.000
Axis 1 - Support to structural changes 134.589.990 62.248.803
Axis 2 - Support to innovation 1.462.848.411 Interventions aimed at the competitive repositioning of the production system  998.244.930 622.178.513
Capitalisation of SMEs and access to credit 150.000.000 150.000.000

Integrated competitiveness actions for sustainable development and the information society

- -
Axis 2 - Support to innovation 772.178.513
Axis 3 - Technical Assistance and accompaniment activities 82.848.410,00 Technical Assistance 85.790.745 18.409.589
Assessment 0 0
Information and advertising 0 0
Axis 3 - Technical Assistance and accompaniment activities Total 85.790.745 18.409.589

(*) The commited value corresponds to the monitoring figure updated to the 6th 2-month period 2012 validated by IGRUE (validation on 31 January 2013).

(**)The certified value corresponds to the payment application sent on 19/12/2012 by the Certification Authority through the IGRUE financial system, to be forwarded subsequently to the European Commission.


Last Updated: : 15/05/2014
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