Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


S.E.O.S.T.M (Search Engine Optimization Sicilian Tourism Marketing)

Code PON04a3_00385

Results to date: 16/12/2013

The project has the ambitious objective of creating a series of innovative software tools, based on models born of research activity and aimed at the creation of tools of monitoring and control which allow, on the one hand,measurement of the tourist offer's ability to penetrate the world of the internet and, on the other, the development of intervention plans which allow rapid and flexible diversification and improvement of the tourist offer, in order to reach the highest level of appreciation in use and diffusion within the network. The starting objective of the Seostm project is first of all the identification of a methodology of analytical representation of the online presence of actors in the tourism system. From here proceeds the collection of information and the creation of analysis tools to be entered into a dashboard of monitoring of the global offer of a tourist chain, in reference to the use and diffusion of services which use new information technologies. The real and virtual data collected will be interpreted in order to assign to each variable identified a different weight in relation to the environmental context and the type of operator concerned. This new analytical approach to the study of tourist data will allow operators to know their strengths and weaknesses but also allow them to identify areas for improvement, sectors of demand or new markets not yet serviced on which to concentrate investment, with the aim of improving competitiveness. The name of the project identifies the two main project activities: S.E.O (Search engine Optimisation) and S.T.M (Sicilian Tourism Marketing). Parallel to the work of S.E.O, marketing activity will also be carried out. The project therefore promotes a model of "Intelligent Tourism", one of the key concepts of Smart Cities.

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