
Social Innovation

  • Il progetto BIKE SHARING – NAPOLI

    Bike Sharing Naples is a research project on alternative mobility, which envisages a bicycle network placed in 10 stations which act as points of collection and delivery of bicycles, through a user-friendly smart app.

  • E-Co/ Cilento Electronic - Cooperation Cilento

    Eco Cilento is a project which intends to develop a technological service which allows one to implement decisions and render them efficient decisions for local development through a platform of cooperation and online sharing. It is a support tool for decisions and planning between the Public Administration, the production sector and the third sector.

  • Y-ourcity

    Avviso “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation”

  • IN-CUL.TU.RE. INnovation in CULture, ToUrism and REstoration

    In-Cul.Tu.Re. is an innovative research project from Puglia concerning restoration (for new, non-destructive documentation and diagnostic methods), tourism (putting goods in networks and connecting them with local excellence), and culture (giving a voice to places symbolic of local patrimony). The project is based on the awareness that the cultural patrimony of the Grecia Salentina offers numerous underestimated opportunities for study, knowledge, and fruition.

  • Progetto RisorgiMenti Lab. Sviluppo e Sperimentazione di Piattaforme e Progetti di Innovazione Sociale.

    RisorgiMenti.Lab is a complex project in architecture but simple and intuitive in application. It proposes a local development model from the bottom up which stimulates social inclusion, active citizenship and participatory democracy, environmental sustainability, school, culture and creativity, and social economy. Activating local pride, encouraging proactive citizens, reinforcing long and short collaboration networks are the main interests animating all the research activities of RisorgiMenti.Lab.

  • Smart Health

    Smart Health is a telemedicine project focused on the creation of a platform oriented towards at-home care for fragile patients, which allows at the same time for the management of healthcare information and the clinical records at the patient's home, the interfacing of an electromedical kit customised according to the specific needs of the patient.


    The aim of the research activity connected with the EMS (Energy Management System) project is to create a Micro Smart Grid system of the whole, self-sufficient in energy terms, thanks to the balanced use of installations for the production of electrical, thermal and renewable energy, which manages to adapt to varying conditions of the consumption of utilities, through algorithms of energy needs prediction based on historical information which the system stores and processes over time.

  • TrafficO2

    TrafficO2 is a social innovation project conceived by a group of youths from Palermo for the development of sustainable urban mobility. The project aims to reduce traffic and pollution through the participation of citizens, local businesses, and sponsors, providing prizes in exchange for sustainable movement.

  • Shared Technical Knowledge project

    The project "Shared technical knowledge" confronts the problem of the location of information useful to the protection of architectural patrimony and building. The objective is the creation of efficient integration of the information sources useful to the protection, evaluation and realisation of “virtuous” interventions into existing patrimony, by contextually launching a process of definition of pathways transversal to the acquisition of information based on the use of a single research engine.

  • Integrated models for energy and the territory

    The main objective of the project is to design and test an intelligent green park, ecologically and economically sustainable, capable of integrating itself architecturally and energetically into the urban centre to produce energy by making use of natural resources such as sun and wind and those present in the park.


    The main aim of the project is that of creating a digital platform, capable of creating a virtual environment for the diffusion of education towards entrepreneurship and innovation in the education system, and which would consider students as the centre of a path to learning, bringing them towards the enhancement of their own attitudes, capacities and values by bringing them closer to innovation and entrepreneurship.

  • Smart Rione Sanità

    "SmartRioneSanità" was born with the objective of enhancing the cultural patrimony, material and immaterial, of the Rione Sanità, the historical quarter of the city of Naples. The project is part of a process of enhancement of the historical-artistic resources of Rione Sanità by placing culture, beauty and humanity at the centre of development.

  • Namastè

    The scope of the NAMASTE (NAno MAterials for SusTainablE building) project is the development of high-performance insulating materials for the improvement, through simple interventions, of the energy efficiency of property patrimony. In particular, new rigid polyurethane foam containing nanoparticles will be developed, with improved mechanical and insulating properties.

  • Tess – Tecnologie a supporto della Sanità

    The objective of the TeSS project is the development of an integrated system for the optimisation of resources in theCalabrian health sector.

  • Exchanger – Share your science

    The idea at the base of this project is that the circulation and diffusion of knowledge represents the vital nourishment of the scientific and training system.

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