Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016



Code PON04a3_00266

Results to date: 08/09/2014

The number of new donors of a young age represents a decisive criticality for the future of blood supply. The lack of a real generational exchange of blood donors, as well as the growth of transfusion needs, will produce in the short-medium term a serious problem for the maintenance of self-sufficiency levels.

The volunteer associations, with the aim of guaranteeing a continuous generational exchange from a pool of their own associates and to spread the culture of transfusion donation among young people more, invest in promotion and information activities both through common forms of communication and by making recourse to new technologies.

The solution which the project intends to propose consists of an APP which interfaces with users and donors, through a social network, tablet and smartphone application, managed by the volunteer associations through a web platform which presents a complete set of functions capable of confronting the various problems observed in the territory related to transfusion self-sufficiency. In particular Smart Donor wants, going beyond the mere signalling of incidents and alarms, to blend aspects of information and socialising with the dynamics of planning and rationalisation of blood collection.

The short-term objectives which the project intends to pursue are:

  • To improve donor management by the associations with a view to maintenance of the planning of collection based on the demands of the transfusion service;
  • To improve management by the donor of his/her own clinical history and voluntary commitment;
  • prompt reaction to blood emergencies;
  • more faithfulness and sensitivity of the donor through awareness of the effective use of the donation;
  • increased promotion through interaction with Social Networks.

The medium- and long-term objectives are:

  • immediate spreading of transfusion awareness strictly harmonised with the demands of the Plan of blood collection;
  • conversion of culture of spontaneous and "unplanned" donation typical of donors today to a culture of "planned" donation capable of responding to the necessities and deadlines of the local collection plan;
  • more involvement of the new generations to guarantee generational exchange by maintaining and increasing the pool of voluntary donors;
  • achievement of transfusion self-sufficiency.

The project envisages different phases divided into Work Packages (WP):

WP1 - Database (DB) and information management

WP2 - Design and development of Smart Donor Server (SSD)

WP3 - Design and development of Smart Donor App (SDA)

WP4 - Test and Debug

In the field of this working group spreading and publicising of the project are provided for.

Currently the WP1 is concluded and the WP2 is in progress.

Go to the presentation (italian version .pdf)

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