Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


Ci Ro ' City Roaming

Code PON04a3_00250

Using systems created through the integration of existing technologies in the service of a new idea of eco-sustainable management of the urban variables of the city of Naples, the project Ci.Ro. City Roaming will foster eco-compatible mobility in the urban field. The proposed solutions are electric car- and van-sharing and administration assistance at km zero. Three systems adopted:

  • service infrastructure: Ci.Ro. points, distributed throughout the city, constitute stations for the distribution of car- and van-sharing with the use of 100% electric vehicles. They are capable of producing energy and constitute points of telematic and interactive contact with the public administrations for the provision of e-government services;
  • technological solutions for intelligent mobility: through an innovative system of navigation, designed to optimise travel time, it is possible for residents and tourists to learn more about the city in such a way as to move with ease and awareness of the territory;
  • E-government services: at Ci.Ro. points one can request the release of authorisations and permits (parking permits, ZTL access, transit in preferential lanes) without having to access physically the designated offices.

The project Ci.Ro was presented as a candidate for the prize "best ICT project", at the 50th edition of SMAU in Milan from 23 to 25 October.

Furthermore, the project was presented at CityTechin Milan at the Steam Factory on 28 and 29 October 2013 during which the functioning system was presented in the presence of specialised print operators.


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