Communication Campaign


Promoting the NOP for R&C through spots, both televised and on radio, which have clear and effective language, gives visibility to the Programme through rapid and engaging communication. The focus has as strong elements a slogan, images and audio, chosen to be easily remembered and to increase the effectiveness of the information conveyed.




In three versions, short, normal and long, lasting 15, 30 and 45 seconds respectively, the video spot contains original music which is also reprised in the radio spot.

In its specific "Smart Cities" role, the first NOP spot is based on a digital-graphic animation which dynamically features certain "tangible" and positive changes which the initiatives financed by the programme produce for citizens in their daily lives.




In three versions, short, normal and long, lasting 15, 30 and 45 seconds respectively, the radio spot contains original music analogous to that of the video spot. The voice of the speaker, the same as used in the video spot, lists action priorities and benefits of the activities put into place by the NOP to promote Smart Cities.



Data Ultimo Aggiornamento:15/05/2014
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