Management Authority

Ist level Organisational Unit for auditing

The Ist level Organisational Unit for Auditing (UOCIL) undertakes Ist level checking on measures provided as Government Aid and guarantees the correct application of national and Community checking regulations through the checking of documents, on-site checking and system checking.

The UOCIL is in charge, and makes Ist level checking as set forth in Article 60 del Reg. (EC) 1083/2006 and Article 13 of Reg. (EC) 1828/2006 amended by Reg. (EC) 846/2009. 
The UOCIL takes into account the results of system checking conducted by the Auditing Authority (AA) to determine the risk associated with each group of projects, as a basis for determining the sample of operations to be subjected to on-site checking.


Reference person: Luciano Lucchetti

General Directorate for Research - Office IV

Tel. +39 06 9772 6080

Last Updated: : 15/05/2014
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