Project Profile

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


La Tradizione fa Eco - modello di sostenibilita per innovare la tradizione e rivoluzionare gli eventi pugliesi.

Code PON04a3_00436

Ecofesta Puglia is a brand which was born within a larger project titled "tradition is eco-friendly - sustainability model for the innovation of tradition and the revolution of events in Puglia". The project proposes to adopt, in as vital a territory as Puglia, a green philosophy centred in respect for nature and the surrounding environment. Their aim is to promote the adoption of virtuous behaviours and to encourage informed and responsible consumer choices by citizens.

"Ecofesta Puglia" transforms an event into a party aware of the environment; in a word, into an 'eco-fest' that sensitises consumers and all those connected to the event through:

  • Reduction of waste production and CO2 emissions;
  • Differentiation of waste products through the creation of ecological islands managed by expert operators;
  • Dissemination of information that increases awareness and concentrates on encouraging differentiated waste collection, reducing emissions, and reducing packaging.

The Ecofesta Puglia brand is aimed at public and private bodies which, by adopting it, agree to certify their events with a green philosophy in full respect of nature and the environment.


Brochure del progetto  (PDF)

Gioco dell'Eco... Ambiente (PDF)

Rassegna Stampa (luglio 2013)  (PDF)

Collage fotografico

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