Profile Project

Information updated to: 31/08/2016


SIBAR – Sistemi di Irrigazione Biodegradabili per l’impiego di Acque Reflue urbane per le produzioni agroalimentari

Code PON01_02315
Field/s Food, Environment and Ecology
Description The project aims to realize Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities which are necessary for the definition of preliminary conditions for the industrial development of an innovative irrigation system. The innovation contained in the system derives from the possibility to be used with waste water in eco-friendly sub-irrigation and from its biodegradability. The use with waste water is favourable under the environmental point of view because it reduces ground water consumption and energetic costs for pumping this water and because it shortens the cycle of the organic fertilizers present in waste water. Sub-irrigation has undoubted advantages in terms of water consumption reduction, but it causes irrigators obstruction; to solve this problem an eco-friendly approach will be pursues, based on the utilization of allelopathic vegetable substances whereby the irrigation system behaves as a radical apparatus. Irrigation systems biodegradability in extremely useful to reduce working times for seasonal crops and waste materials load to be send to the dump. Consequently the project aims to the construction of a system able to reduce ground water consumptions and plastic waste (pipes), generating an eco-friendly cycle at the same time. The followed R&D approach wants to achieve a first phase of experimental investigations, necessary to identify and implement useful technologies to the development of this innovative irrigation system, and a second experimental phase, to be executed in the field, aimed to verify the obtained results. This second phase is articulated in two test campaigns, with the purpose of getting information from the first test campaign and implementing all the necessary improvements on the system before the execution of the second campaign. At the end of the project the proponents will have at their disposal the technologies to realize the irrigation system and the evaluation of its performances and environmental impact.
Total cost 5,312,983.00 euro
Public contribution
Total public contribution
3,671,010.80 euro

NOP R&C contribution
3,671,010.80 euro

PAC contribution
0.00 euro

Distribution Advancement of distribution in %
Total amount distributed
2,960,342.00 euro

NOP R&C distributed amount
2,947,862.00 euro

PAC distributed amount
0.00 euro


Field/s – Indicates the field or fields in which the project has the most relevance. A project may have more than one field. For some projects it is not assigned. The field are the following 8: "Health and wellbeing", "Food", "Energy", "Environment and Ecology", "Transport and Logistics", "Cultural goods and activities", "Social Innovation" and "Smart Cities".

Description – Descriptive summary of project.

Total cost – Total cost of project.

Public contribution – Three elements are reported:

  • Total commitment – total amount admitted to financing, may include more than contribution to be valued on NOP R&C, also on other funds.
  • NOP R&C admitted contribution
  • PAC admitted contribution
  • Contribution with other funds

Distribution – The following elements are reported:

  • Total distributed amount – takes into account the distributed amount considering both NOP R&C distribution and other funds if provided for
  • NOP R&C distributed amount – amount distributed to financing of project to be valued on NOP R&C
  • PAC distributed amount – amount distributed to financing of project to be valued on PAC
  • Amount distributed with other funds – amount distributed to financing of project with other funds

The distributions refer to the date of last update indicated at top.

Type of beneficiary Public commitment for beneficiary
University 3
Medium business 1
Total Beneficiaries 4

Università degli Studi di Messina

Tax File Number: 80004070837
Unique Project Code: J41H11000070005
Location of financial commitments: Sicilia
Type: University

Presentation date 09/04/2010
Approval date 05/08/2016
Start of activity Expected date
Effective date
End of activity Expected date
Effective date
Total cost 537,360.00 euro
Public contribution Total
456,756.00 euro
Eligible of NOP R&C
456,756.00 euro
Distribution Total
456,756.00 euro
Amount of NOP R&C
456,756.00 euro

Date of last distribution of NOP R&C

Università degli studi di Catania

Tax File Number: 02772010878
Unique Project Code: E61H11000330005
Location of financial commitments: Sicilia
Type: University

Presentation date 09/04/2010
Approval date 05/08/2016
Start of activity Expected date
Effective date
End of activity Expected date
Effective date
Total cost 595,788.00 euro
Public contribution Total
506,419.80 euro
Eligible of NOP R&C
506,419.80 euro
Distribution Total
480,420.00 euro
Amount of NOP R&C
480,420.00 euro

Date of last distribution of NOP R&C

Università degli studi di Palermo

Tax File Number: 80023730825
Unique Project Code: B71H11000760005
Location of financial commitments: Sicilia
Type: University

Presentation date 09/04/2010
Approval date 05/08/2016
Start of activity Expected date
Effective date
End of activity Expected date
Effective date
Total cost 863,845.00 euro
Public contribution Total
734,268.25 euro
Eligible of NOP R&C
734,268.25 euro
Distribution Total
710,702.00 euro
Amount of NOP R&C
710,702.00 euro

Date of last distribution of NOP R&C

Irritec SpA

Tax File Number: 00171620834
Unique Project Code: B31H11000550005
Location of financial commitments: Campania, Sicilia, Extra convergenza
Type: Medium business

Presentation date 09/04/2010
Approval date 05/08/2016
Start of activity Expected date
Effective date
End of activity Expected date
Effective date
Total cost 3,315,990.00 euro
Public contribution Total
1,973,566.75 euro
Eligible of NOP R&C
1,973,566.75 euro
Distribution Total
1,312,464.00 euro
Amount of NOP R&C
1,299,984.00 euro

Date of last distribution of NOP R&C
Axis - Operational objective I - Scientific and technological fields, generators of industry transformation processes and creators of new sectors (Go to )
Action Strategic scientific and technological areas
Action line Industrial Research (Go to)
Instrument of implementation Invitation to presentation of Industrial Research projects (DD 1/Ric 18/01/10)
NSF - objective Strengthen and evaluate the whole chain of research and cooperation networks between the research system and businesses, to contribute to competitiveness and economic growth; sustain maximum distribution and use of new technologies and advanced services; heighten level of scientific and technical knowledge and skills in the production system and in institutions
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